Since his high school years, Harry Septiandri, known by the moniker "Munir," dedicated three years to the study of Graphic, Sound, and Motion Design at OPENLABS—a cutting-edge new media art community within the Common Room Network Foundation, established in 2009.
Now operating under both aliases Midnight Runners and Munir, his venture into music production has secured releases with esteemed labels such as Omega Supreme (USA), Hobo Camp (USA), 1asia (CH), Neon Finger (SPAIN), Star Creature (USA), and Spacedust Records (CA). In 2020, Munir participated in a bi-monthly residency at NOODS Radio online in Bristol, UK.
Adding another dimension to his creative endeavors, Munir established Peels Records & Bar, a listening and cocktails bar in Bandung, Indonesia. Notably, he curated an assortment of Indonesia’s Citypop, AOR, and Boogie music in collaboration with Culture of Soul (US), aptly named Tanamur City, paying homage to a historic Indonesian bar in Jakarta from the 70s.
Tripling as a designer, Munir draws inspiration from 12" records artworks to channel his creativity into crafting his own record sleeve designs and offering freelance music record artwork services globally. To him, design serves as an indispensable form of communication in various aspects of day-to-day life - where simple things always matter the most.
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